Inner Team

The Inner Team model, developed by psychotherapist and author Fritz Perls, is a psychological framework used to understand and work with various perspectives, opinions and ambiguities, a leader might have towards a certain challenge or issue.

On a deeper level, the model can help to work with different aspects of a person’s personality and inner conflicts. While it is primarily a therapeutic tool, some aspects of it can be adapted for leadership and personal development.

The key idea is that differing opinions can be expresses as member of a person’s “inner team” while the person themselves remains the “inner chairman oder chairwoman” to take the final decision.

Here are some more aspects on how leaders can work with the Inner Team model:


Leaders can start by becoming more self-aware of their inner dynamics and the different „parts“ or „voices“ within themselves. This involves recognizing that individuals have various aspects or roles within their personality, such as the inner critic, inner child, inner manager, etc.

Identify key inner voices

Leaders can reflect on the dominant inner voices that influence their thoughts, decisions, and behaviors. For example, they may have an inner critic that constantly evaluates and judges, an inner visionary that sets ambitious goals, or an inner peacemaker that seeks harmony and consensus.

Dialogue with inner voices

Leaders can engage in internal dialogues with their inner voices. This can be done through journaling, meditation, or simply introspective thinking. The goal is to better understand the needs, fears, and motivations of these inner parts.

Integration and balance

The Inner Team model encourages individuals to find a balance and harmony among their inner voices. Leaders can use this concept to manage their own internal conflicts and decision-making processes. For example, if the inner critic is overly harsh, they can work on toning it down and listening more to their inner visionary or inner coach.


Leaders can apply the principles of self-leadership by recognizing that they are not just leading others but also leading themselves. They can consciously choose which inner voices to follow in different situations, aligning their actions with their values and long-term goals.

Empathy and understanding

Understanding the inner dynamics of oneself can lead to greater empathy and understanding of others. Leaders can use this insight to better connect with their team members and be more effective in their leadership style.

Coaching and mentoring

Leaders can coach and mentor their team members using the Inner Team model principles. They can help team members explore their own inner voices, understand their motivations, and find balance and alignment within themselves.

Conflict resolution

The Inner Team model can be applied to help resolve conflicts within a team. Leaders can encourage team members to explore their inner dynamics and find common ground, facilitating more effective communication and collaboration.

Personal growth and development

Leaders can use the Inner Team model as a tool for their own personal growth and development. By continuously working on their inner conflicts and self-awareness, they can become more effective and authentic leaders.

It’s important to note that the Inner Team model is primarily a psychological framework, and leaders should use it in conjunction with other leadership and management techniques. Additionally, if leaders encounter significant inner conflicts or emotional challenges, it may be beneficial to seek the guidance of a qualified therapist or counselor.

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